Sunday, September 25, 2011


Combining the science of Orgon and Crystalline Energies to create a natural living food preservation platter. This science extends the life of your living foods and keep them twice as long as regular storage.  Orgon is also the counter energy for radiation. Trace radiations are used in food production and food packaging.
The making of Veggiegon shows you the various crystals used in combination with the Tesla Coil.

Here you see the various Aluminum Shavings , but also Gold Flakes and Silver Shavings can be added.

 This finished Orgonplate/Veggiegon is not only stunning but will save much in cost and loss on all you living foods.

This Orgonplate will help purify your foods and cleanse them freeing them from radiation additives. Consider these facts published at this website:

Custom shapes are possible, just let me know if there's is someone special you wish to gift. Below is a nice heart shaped Veggiegon. You can see the different stages of how this was made.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cloudbusters and Chembusters

Using color sequencing for vibrational effect.

Nice view of the Tesla Coil

Layers of crystals and metals that create this powerful orgon energy.

Crystal Crowns that are placed in the copper pipe.

There is a lot of controversy on this subject now, and to be honest I consider it important to distinguish between a Croft-style Chembuster and a Reich-style Cloudbuster. After having had a chance to experiment with both devices, I find that they are indeed different in function. A Cloudbuster is a device invented by Wilhelm Reich about seventy years ago, and it uses orgone energy to influence weather patterns. It is basically an array of parallel pipes which are in turn connected by means of rubber or other organic hoses to either an ORAC or a body of moving water. It relies on the circulation of orgone energy within the water bodies of the earth to clean the orgone by virtue of the action of moving water over stone, this action takes place in riverbeds especially. A Chembuster (or Croft-style Cloudbuster) is a slightly different device, which is based on the Cloudbuster in that it uses a parallel array of pipes to channel orgone energy, in order to affect the weather patterns in the area around it. The main difference between a Cloudbuster and a Chembuster are that a Chembuster has a ballast of orgonite, while a Cloudbuster is grounded directly from the pipes to the earth, or water. And since orgonite processes orgone energy instead of simply collecting it or moving it around a Chembuster cleans the orgone as it passes through. A cloudbuster does not.

Although both Cloudbusters and Chembusters generally pull orgone in the form of DOR down from the atmosphere and channel it into the Earth, it is possible for both devices to work in the opposite direction and send orgone form the Earth into the atmosphere. In both cases, it is the changing orgone fields which affect weather patterns. I do not approve of novices using Reich-style Cloudbusters, but I do approve of just about anyone using Chembusters. This is because a Chembuster is a great deal more user-friendly than a Cloudbuster. A Cloudbuster, used carelessly, can cause tornadoes, imbalances in the earth's orgone fields, and torrential rains or severe droughts. It is nonetheless a very useful device, but one which requires knowledge both of meteorology and orgonomy in order to operate beneficially. The Chembuster, on the other hand, functions more like a 'safety release valve' between the earth and atmosphere, so that it becomes more active when there is a large unbalance in the ambient orgone fields and less active when the energy around it is in a balanced and healthy state.

I have some other articles coming which go into this matter further, but for now suffice it to say that you can cause problems with a Cloudbuster if you do not know what you are doing, but this is not true of a Chembuster, and that is because a Chembuster uses orgonite and quartz crystals to clean the orgone as it passes through, whereas a Cloudbuster does not. It is possible to further enhance the function of a Chembuster by grounding it to the earth. After experimenting with it for some time, I generally ground the orgonite base of my Chembuster instead of grounding the pipes, because if you ground the pipes, then the device will appear to work more rapidly, but what it is actually doing is dumping the excess

DOR into the ground rather than cleaning it. In my opinion, grounding the copper pipes directly is no better than a Reich style cloudbuster, because it is just dumping the DOR into the ground. If you are doing this, then you ought to add some HHGs and TBs or equivalent right near the ground wire where it enters the ground. Also, a wet ground is better than a dry ground. It is better to ground the Chembuster to moving water or wet earth than to dry earth. If you are grounding it to dry earth, you should use a long wire to maximize contact with the earth. You can either attach a length of copper wire to the orgonite, or just cut the bottom out of your bucket and let the orgonite touch the earth.

Information source is ; Url –

You may visit my Facebook Chembuster Portfolio for step by step images in making of a Chembuster.!/media/set/?set=a.2225476679688.2130579.1330908147 

After Shot ~ You see clear sky, no more clouds!

You can see a whole begin to form as the Cloudbuster/Chembuster breaks away and depletes the pollution

Picture of the sky and clouds prior to release of the Cloudbusters energies. 

Look at this experimental clip, the florescent light passes over a Chembuster/Cloudbuster Tower and lights up from the raw energy this Orgone omits.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Personal Orgone

These smaller versions of Orgone are perfect for caring around with you.

"Energy Medicine Involving Putative Energy Fields" include Biofield energy healing therapies where the hands are used to direct or modulate energies which are believed to effect healing in the patient; this includes spiritual healing and psychic healing, Therapeutic touch, Healing Touch, Esoteric healing, Magnetic healing (now a historical term not to be confused with Magnet therapy), Qi Gong healing, Reiki, Pranic healing, Crystal healing, distant healing, intercessionary prayer etc. Concepts such as Qi (Chi), Prana, Mana, Pneuma, Vital fluid, Odic force, Orgone etc. are amongst the many terms which are used to describe these putative energy fields.

Cone Orgone

Several varieties for the choosing, these pyramid shaped Orgone towers are versatile and can be placed in your garden or window seal. Cleaning and purifying all living energy around it. Stimulating garden growth and all living energy.  

Notice the multi-layers, a unique blend of crystals and metals. Each providing energy of its own unique origin. Each piece is created specifically to activate it own frequency of healing qualities. 

Orgone Lights

I have created a unique combination; Light and Orgone, this is quite spectacular!
Watch this wonderful display below.